Your journey starts here
With the introduction of the 5 RSI™ Principles, this marks the evolution of the ORSC model over the last decade and finally providing us more clearly with a theoretical frame driving all of our tools and skills.
Pioneered by Marita Fridjhon and Faith Fuller, leaders in the systems coaching and leadership world, the Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) Program is tailored as a practitioners’ toolkit in a coaching program for working with any relationship systems as teams, families, partnerships and organizations.​
We invite you to shift the way you think, feel and act, when leading your Self, others, the organization and beyond that, the system.
Level 1:
You begin in one of two courses, Fundamentals or Organization & Relationship Systems at Work (ORS@Work). Both are based on the same set of skills and principles. Fundamentals is geared more toward personal coaching, therapy, and social work applications. Organization & Relationship Systems at Work has been designed for OD, Human Resource, business coaching and consulting applications.

Module 1
Your ORSC Journey Starts Here
One of the most complex systems to navigate is also one of the most critical; that of the human relationships systems.
The innovative ORSC™ (Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching) Fundamentals course explores a groundbreaking model with a systems thinking approach in mastering and empowering your relationships at work and in life.
Fundamentals is tailored as a practitioners’ toolkit in a coaching program and the foundation to the ORSC Program for working with any relationship systems as teams, families, partnerships and organizations.
Module 1
Constant change is the new norm. The increase in numbers of knowledge workers who must share information, insights, learning and best practices for companies to succeed, further stresses communication channels.
So how can organisations create a work environment that supports complex human interactions, embraces conflict, retains valuable knowledge workers and change at the speed of light while remaining profitable and productive?
Here's our answer: a business-focused and tools-rich model that supports organizations through Digital Transformation and shapes a revolutionary path for the Workforce of the Future.
The tools and skills presented are designed to enhance participant's Leader and management capacities, and provide team members with an invaluable "coaching stance," creating more effectiveness in the workplace and improving business relationships.

Level 2:
Our world today requires us to navigate the interconnectedness and repercussions of systems.
With Relationship Systems Intelligence™ (RSI), your capacity to read, understand and intentionally interact with the dynamics of human relationship systems equips you with the mindset, skillset and heart set to work and lean on one of the most critical systems of our times.
​The Intermediate Series continues to explore the groundbreaking ORSC model with a systems thinking approach in mastering and empowering your relationships at work and in life through change, disruption and potential.

Module 2
A Roadmap for Change
Change is inevitable. Change is seen as constant and necessary. The ability to navigate change is a hallmark of systemic health. This module explores the Roadmap for Change and the role emotions play in the human relationship systems.
This course provides a robust toolkit for increasing emotional resilience in the face of change. Learn how to help others establish a 'locus of control' in negotiating change. Acquire and develop the skillset to support clients/your team when dealing with difficult circumstances with dignity and wisdom; moving from Emotional Intelligence to include Social Intelligence culminating in Relationship Systems Intelligence™.
In short, this module tackles one of the most important catalysts for change i.e. hearing from all the different stakeholders as the voices towards OWNERSHIP and BUY IN. Be adept at addressing emotional and psychological safety and uncover how to cross minimum viable edges to accelerate efforts in change management, organizational development and transformation.
Module 3
Roles & Structures
Geography builds on Intelligence. When ‘buy in’ to navigate emotional fields in dealing with change is established, the need to recognize and nurture structure, processes and roles people play in teams, partnerships and tasks at work is next. This is where the rubber hits the road.
This module equips you with its simple and elegant tools. You will develop the skills, mindset and heart-set to deepen the awareness of and leverage the relationship system’s diversity and how to identify, harness and optimize its collective intelligence for success.
You learn to see people beyond the roles they play in the system and instead, move towards the roles the system relies on to be occupied. This establishes that nothing is held as ‘personal’ in the system and therefore instead of asking “Who is doing what to whom”, the attention is on “What is trying to happen emerge” as systems are in a constant state of emergence.

Module 4
Vision & Potential
Relationships (i.e. systems) are inherently generative – they produce something the moment two or more people get together. What is created is the narrative or culture or plans or ideas.
In this Module, the focus is on partnerships as a creative force, and examine sophisticated concepts like the Path of Relationship, Quantum Physics and Dreams while exploring how to create a shared vision and a strategic plan for achieving that vision. You will learn to work with narratives and how to build from there. In this module, we explore how to locate a 'myth crisis' and work to manifest a new myth or narrative.
In Path, you are provided with a set of tools for working with conflict; crucial when dealing with relationship dynamics. Since most conflicts arise when people don’t share the same vision nor the same “consensus reality”, the first step to mitigating conflict intentionally in the systems approach is to be aware of those differences.
Module 5
Moving Towards Mastery
In this final module of the Organization and Relationship Systems™ Coaching curriculum, Systems Integration is the Move Toward Mastery.
This module integrates the learning lab where you ‘fuse’ the dimensions of Intelligence, Geography and Path through hands on practice, group Supervision, a deepened understanding of the underpinning of the model and practice, practice, practice.
This module marks the completion of the ORSC ICF ACSTH Program.

Level 3:
Take your ORSC™ training to its logical conclusion by becoming a world class practitioner through enrollment in ORSC™ Certification.
With 500 certified ORSC-ers all over the globe, it's safe to say that this unique, comprehensive eight-month program with extensive practice, online study and supervision, is designed to produce the best ORSC™ practitioners in the world!

Become a World-Class Practitioner
The ORSC™ Certification consists of two semesters of practice (four months each semester, with a three-week break), online study, and extensive supervision. During Certification you will move the ORSC™ material out of the introductory level into mastery and practical application.
CRR Global manages the ORSC Certification programme directly.
Practice Development. Over the course of the program, you will learn how to confidently talk about ORSC™ coaching, enroll clients and charge what you are worth.​
Mastery as an ORSC™ Certified Coach. The Program creates proficiency and skill in using the ORSC™ tools and skills consistently with clients.
Personal Growth. Emotional and social intelligence is a natural side effect of continuing ORSC™ study. Deepen the powerful personal growth you began during the courses.
Credentialing. Upon successful completion, you will receive the ORSCC Credential. This will make you one of the elite graduates of the only accredited Relationship Systems Coaching Program in the world, offering your practice a considerable marketing edge.
Practically apply your learning with your World Work Project. The World Work Project invites you to directly apply the ORSC™ model to an area in your personal or professional life where you passionately desire change to come about. Use the project to help you create programs, open new niches, or improve your personal relationships.