Coaching Business Agility Transformations (CBAT) is the product of a collaboration between Agile Experts and CRR Global, combining a professional systems coaching approach with Agile principles. The skillsets fostered in RSI and its companion program, Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) complement and enhance the Enterprise Agile toolkit.
How do the two methodologies work together?
Agile offers lean, efficient delivery of value, while RSI creates the connection and collaboration required to support transformational change. The two methodologies can be paired for optimal impact.
Create alignment.
Set ground conditions for change.
Enable organizational agility.
ICF & ICAgile Certified
Successful completion of this course provides:
18 ICF CCE units under the Portfolio Path
(11 Core and 7 Resource Development)
ICAgile Certified Practitioner - Coaching Agile Transitions - (ICP-Cat) from the Enterprise Coaching Track on the ICAgile Learning Roadmap

Coaching Business Agility Transformations created a container where I was able to uncover my own self-limiting beliefs, see the gaps in my approach for working with clients, and discover new ways to bring Agile values and principles to life.
Realize Your Systems True Potential
Enterprise Agile Coaching provides the patterns for enabling Agile, while RSI fosters awareness of relationships to amplify the effectiveness of the Agile approach. Coaching a system rather than individual members addresses issues which can hold an organization back from achieving true agility.
In Coaching Agility Business Transformations (CBAT), both methodologies combine to realize the true potential of an organization.
Develop greater self-awareness of how your own limits and boundaries impact the ability to coach, consult and influence change
Deconstruct preconceived notions of what does and doesn't work in enabling organizational agility
Discover how RSI can unlock meaningful change and growth for individuals and enterprises
Move toward the tipping point for achieving long-lasting agility
Reap the benefits of Agile ways of working in more robust and impactful ways
Realize how co-creating transformations based on mission, vision and principles relieves pressure and stress across the workforce.
Measuring the Velocity of RSI and Agile in Action
After combining RSI and Agile methodologies to tap into the potential of this team for slightly more than a year, the production velocity was over 200 percent higher than when the interventions were first introduced.

This case study combined Agile and RSI practices in supporting a frustrated and discouraged team. Integrating these methodologies in coaching the team as one system created a functional working atmosphere which encouraged team members to address toxic behaviors and navigate healthy conflict.
The engagement began with a team alliance and review of how the team functioned together. Coaching in the early stages of the process addressed frustrations and role conflicts within the team. This shift encouraged a process redesign which immediately allowed all team members to contribute directly to product development, leading to over a 50 percent increase in velocity in the course of three months.
The blue swirl on the chart represents the use of specific RSI tools, while the green arrow represents major Agile events including diagnostics, roadmap and program increments. While RSI and Agile tools were used throughout the measurement period, these applications were significant.
The coaching engagement included five months of formal coaching, which established an agreed-upon structure which facilitated communication and collaboration. ​Brief 10-minute informal conversations took place daily, with team members and leadership relating to what was happening in the team culture and environment.
Throughout the course of the year, the velocity of the team climbed from zero to almost 250 percent.
Although the work environment changed radically after the appearance of Covid-19, RSI and Agile tools helped the the team to design their response and pivot rapidly. While productivity did dip briefly as the team adjusted to working from home, it soon bounced back.

What types of organizations are using CBAT?
Although Agile stems from the field of software development, the methodology is now being widely implemented in any system which relies on the ability to pivot quickly in response to change. This includes manufacturing, sales, marketing, law and health care. RSI concepts support Agile wherever it is used.
What are RSI and ORSC?
RSI involves the collective intelligence of the whole system rather than focusing on individual team members. ORSC is the world's first ICF-accredited systems coaching training, and is based on RSI concepts.
Why does Agile integrate so well with RSI?
Agile creates the systems and processes which encourage team members to interact frequently, while RSI tools build the strong relationship required to communicate and collaborate effectively. In both methodologies, the team actively reviews what has already occurred while aligning on forward action.
What's involved in completing CBAT training?
This course is targeted to organizations.
Please contact us to discuss a program tailored to your organization.